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Stellum Black Bourbon

    Stellum Black Bourbon

    • Like the standard Stellum Bourbon, Stellum Black is a blend of bourbons from Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Also like the standard Stellum Bourbon, Stellum Black does not contain a Tennessee component which is noticeable in the flavor profile when compared to many Barrell Bourbon batch releases. As a result, the base Stellum Bourbon is its closest comparison, and Black shares obvious similarities. According to the company, this familiarity is intentional, which is described by company Founder Joe Beatrice as maintaining the “soul of Stellum while creating a new dimension of flavor by adding reserve barrels from our stocks.”

      Notably, Stellum Black also comes in at about 6 proof points lower than the standard Stellum Bourbon, which is interesting given the fact that limited releases often set out to target a higher proof than their standard counterparts. In this case, as both releases are barrel proof, the lower proof is undoubtedly a consequence of simply attaining the desired blend. By comparison, it’s not immediately noticeable given the fact that the standard Stellum is a relatively easy-drinker despite its 114.98 proofpoint.

      On a whole, however, Stellum Black is an improvement over the standard Stellum Bourbon. Similar base flavors are present, but Black trades some of the spice intensity found in standard Stellum for a more rounded mouthfeel on the palate and slightly more overall balance. Coupled with its traditional flavor profile, its key attribute draws on its balance and mouthfeel, which are subtle yet notably unique attributes in the greater bourbon-scape.

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