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Legendario Domingo Durango Mezcal
  • Legendario Domingo Durango Mezcal

    • Agave: Cenizo (Durangensis)


      48% ABV

      Made in Nombre de Dios in the state of Durango by the familia mezcalera Colón.  This small town in the central valley's of one of Mexico's largest states is surrounded is surrounded by rivers and sits at the base of the foothills of Mexico's Sierra Organos. They harvest wild agave at between 10 and 12 years of age before roasting it underground in earthen ovens over mesquite, huizache, and encino wood. Mechanical mills are used for crushing before natural fermentation in wooden underground vats called oquedades or hollows for over a week. Distillation in small copper and steel pot stills of just 300L. The resulting spirit is wild and full flavored. Alternating between savory earthy flavors and sweet fruit. There's texture, complexity and lovely acidity.

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